Level Up Your Life – Kali Boydston | Episode 3
In episode 3 join KT Maschler and Kali Boydston
Kali is an entrepreneur, advocate, and learner. She grew up in Kansas City, and graduated from KU in 2020. You can usually find her behind a computer mentoring students, teaching leadership skills, or creating content for her Instagram stories. Self-proclaimed foodie. See what she’s up to @kal.boyd.
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Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of the quest for new inspiration. PODCAST, My name is Katy Masher, and this week I will be interviewing Kally Boyson. Not only is she one of my favorite people to follow on social media for inspirational content, but she is also my trijello sister. Hopefully she will inspire you just like she inspires me, so hi everyone, my name is Kally Boyston. I Am A K, c local, born and raised here, and I currently I’m working to jobs that I am so passionate about, which is so weird to me because, like I’ve always been a very like passionate person and I get in I get involved in something and like it takes over my life. So it’s really like an interesting thing to find two things that are so different that, like I care so much about two things being like non profit work and then my entrepen Reprenez journey you’d think like within this. I would like learn how to pronounce words like that, but I haven’t yet and so with my non profit, I’m it’s literally where I just got off work. I just started it in July and I work with city or in Kansas City, so kind of doing more, like educational equity, work, so kind of getting involved in every single aspect of student school life. So we do like whole classroom whole student support. So not only are we like supporting the whole class like saying hi, O making sure everyone is welcome. Doing warm ups like stay engaged stuff like that, but, like I have a select group of students where I focus on their like every aspect of their behavior. Their class work the attendants, how they’re doing in terms of tracking graduation if they have an outside job, do they have transportation to get to that. If there is resources that their family needs that they can’t like get in touch with, like I kind of Embelli G in this all encompassing space, which is really cool, because I wear a lot of different hats, and it’s also so weird that I just started in July, because I feel, like I’ve been doing this for years, and it’s just so hard to describe what I do with it, because I really do do so. Many different things and I’m really really excited about it. I can see myself like obviously you know, one of my, like biggest goals in life, is to open up my own non profit, so I really got involved in this whole roam to gain experience more than anything, and I can already tell that like it is changing my life, and I hope that, like whatever impact like I have on, these kids is even just like the smallest amount is they’ve changed my life already and then my unportentous side is. I do run my own business and I’ve been doing that for about two years now I work with a drexels company that has like all began: CILT, free hair, skin care and now wellness products as of literally this week, which is really exciting. I never ever ever thought I would be a direct sales person, but here I am two years in like I’m deep in it, so not something I can just like throw out the window any more. I felt like this business is like my baby. So, if anything like touches it even like my weekend time, I’m like Derek my boyfriend will be like. Oh like what do you want to do this week and I’d be like well? You know I work on Saturdays from this time to this time he was like. Why are you working on a Saturday but like it really is something that, like my non profit, job fills like my fulfillment in the sense of I’m getting all these network connections and getting experience, writing grants and learning more about the realm of like five ore D, three organizations, but my unprime side is teaching me how to be an adult how to handle things like rejection and learning things on my own, because I was such like now like a goody to show. I was a good tissues in school, but, like I would just a perfectionist and everything and like going into the adult life like the school system, does not match up with like what you think about life is going to be so I had so much to learn like out of high school than out of college, and I had no idea like genuinely. I have no idea where I would be if I didn’t have this business, because it just taught me so much more than how to make money because it like I said it is my child and I put countless hours to it, be e like well come. Why would you ever do it, but the thing is like the people. I’ve met are the reason I’m still here today, like I have had a long history with mental, an Tisica health and like truly, these are the people that keep me grounded and keep me sane and, like give me purpose, so it was really cool to find that in a direct hills, company of all places- and I was just about to ask you as like what gives you a motivation to do both those things, but you just answered that. Is there a certain place that you go to to find like inspiration for your inspiration that you give out to all these people yeah? So I don’t know if anyone else is like this, but I’m like a Super Geek for personality test, and so I’ve taken every single personality test you can take in like I know my Myers Briggs. I know my INAGA. I know like this and this and all these different things about me like I’ve, mapped out my thirty six, like value character traits whatever so like. I know everything about myself and I go to therapy, often like very regularly twice a week. My therites loves me and that’s because I’m probably one of her best customers like in the sense and it’s really funny, because she said that I was the first person she’s met that is too self aware and so like when I’m looking for inspiration, I really do look for things that get me out of my own head travel is like one of my passions that has turned into a source of inspiration for me, because I really do like when I travel somewhere new. I pull inspiration from the climate and the people I meet and the conversations I have and like the natural landscape around it. So I just got back from California and, like Oh, my content lately has been like desert vives like Pale colors different fonts than I would normally use, so it is giving me like a little sense of creativity. More than anything, it resets me because my fellow type to people where givers we give in given give and like are so bad about giving back to ourselves or even accepting help when someone asked if we need it because, like we just have to be the person that is getting things done and so regular like self care checkens with myself is the easiest dance. I can give you, but like this weekend, we’re taking just a really short trip to Colorado to get out of my house like get out of my head. I don’t know if anyone else is feeling the depression like seasonal depression is hitting me hard and early this year, and I don’t know if it being like the election year or it being just like. I literally came back from a hundred and twenty degree weather to fifty degree weather so like that shift just so many things, so I’m getting out of town and drawing inspiration from the mountains, which always seemed to ground me. No, I definitely have felt the change just. I think I got dark at like six thirty last night and I was like my day is gone. What do I do now right as soon as it gets dark and like okay bed time? Ah, like I’m now not productive anymore? Do you have a significant moment in your life that has inspired you to change something? Yes and no, so it wasn’t a moment that I realized in the moment that changed everything for me, but looking back like it was my like huge health scare two years ago. That really like put things into perspective for me because, just like context, I had been working three separate jobs like I was taking twenty one credit hours, and so I was going to work in the mornings and I go to class and I would get off at class. I would go immediately to a different job and I would work a different job overnight and so, like I was probably getting, maybe two to three hours asleep like that, combined with, like stress of being a student, a college student like just I don’t have like the best health and generate at the time did not have my health and check, and so I was having a lot of chronic pain. My migraines really started flaring up. I started having seizures. I was getting really really sick all the time, and so essentially I was just running my body to the ground. I had no money, so, like financial stress was a factor, and I was like missing content in class because I wasn’t sleeping so I would sleep in class and definitely felt the impact on my grades, like everything that culminated at that time in my life, like push me forward to where I am today because like had that all nut happen, like I never would have said yes to starting my own business because, like ultimately like finances, were a huge thing for me. I was constantly over drafting my bank account. I had all these medical bills to pay. My insurance had just changed and now like the things that were normally like between, like ten twenty eight dollars for a month, perscription was now over three hundred dollars. Like literally, I had no idea where anything was going to come from and so long story short. I said Yes to this business. I finally gained some confidence in myself, which was sorely lacking. I dropped one of my jobs and eventually dropped the other one as well and was just working one soul. I worked as CNA for a student at Ku and then picked up this like side business. At the time I was like. Okay, I just need money. It’ll probably be like a one two month thing and that’ll be it, but here we are again two year years later, which is so crazy to think about, because, like looking back and thinking to the girl that it was in like late, two thousand and eighteen and the person that I am now like, even if you go back to like April of two thousand and twenty like, I feel like that- was ages away. So seeing just the growth in myself and like ultimately, I just never ever ever want to feel like I felt that fall ever again, and so everything I do has been kind of in this sense to like level myself up to level at my health to level, at my finances to level up my connections and my passion and all of that and it’s crazy because, like thinking about, I really am living like this life that I’ve dreamed about which, like it, it looks different than I thought it was, but I’m checking all the boxes off. I I honestly really am I looked here. I watch your snaps and your instar stories like every single day, if you haven’t noticed just because not only are you like my triel a sister, but you also just are just a constant flow of like positivity and inspiration just throughout like just your general task and not to mention all of your fur babies. I love all of your animals. Oh, my goodness, whole zoo yeah, the so do I it’s crazy, but I really am so grateful for you to like take time out of your day, and I know you’re so busy just to record this with me. So thank you again. Oh my goodness, of course, literally when you asked me it was a no braine. I was won super happy to hear from you because it has like it’s so funny how you like drift away from people after college and it’s not even on purpose. It’s just like everyone has like full time lives now, not just like. Oh, my goodness, like I’ll see you in the library or I’ll, see you like in the kitchen after dinner, like whatever, so I think, that’s really cool, but more than anything like I. I think it’s interesting because the person that, like you, got to know when we like first became friends in college, is definitely not the person I A and like that growth because, like I realistically like, I was probably the most negative like self depreciating person ever like my entire, like personality was based around like self depreciating humor and like I thought that that was just like cool and fun and fine, but realistically, like I was hurting so badly, and it’s just amazing to me to think that like people are like following along in this journey and like seeing these changes, as I’m saying them myself and they’re, probably seeing it way before. I do like honestly, but like that person that, like sense of pride and just positivity, has not always been there, and it has been something that, like I have devoted time and effort to be coming, because I was so done with every single aspect of who I was before. That’s great. Well, do you have any last piece of either positivity or inspiration that you could share? I can plug some people really. I think just inspiration wise, like be the person that you most look up to, because there’s not going to be someone that is always going to be in your corner, like deering you on, like. I have wanted that from someone, my entire life, and I never got it until. I was that person for myself and like now, I have a whole team of support and, like it really does take a village to do anything in this life so like, if you aren’t being that person for yourself, like the universe, is waiting for you to believe in it before it just throws at you- and I know that was like really cheesy and like fairy universe, type stuff that I am one hundred and fifty percent like someone that believes in, like the powered manifestation, the law of attraction and like, if you’re putting your time and your energy into something like the universe, is going to reflect that right back to you. So I really spent time recently cleaning up my social medias. So No, there is not a single person. I’m following on social media. That is just like a blind follow like I follow people who ad value into my life, who I want to be more like, and so it’s not just like connections. Game Anymore, is really about like who do I want to embody like what do I want to learn from someone, and so just like three people off the top of my head, that I follow, who I think everyone should follow. Number ONE ISKRA on Insara, it t I S, K R, a she is an are like body, positive influencer. She does so much. She actually just had her first baby and so like seeing her journey into motherhood has been really awesome and I have never had good like body image. I’ve always had like issues with myself that we’re working on always constantly evolving, but she has been real light in my social media feeds to follow along with and then the second one is MSS. Lindsey Roman, it’s Land S, Ey Roman. She is a photographer, a mother, a business coach just an all around like amazing human, and she actually went to K as well, which I think is so cool. She lives in Hawaii now and really has taken on her own journey of not only with business side of it. She does her photography. She does her coaching, but she also runs a podcast called heart and hustle. So if you don’t listen to that, you definitely should, and then my third like favorite human and not their favorite human, but third influencer you should follow, is simply Asian well. She has been especially like over these last few months, just such a sounding board. For me, she has a podcast called done with adult ing, which I honestly like put off listening to for a while. If I’m real with you, because I was like M- it’s not going to be like my thing like I’m loving, my adult life like everything, is awesome, but she talks about such amazing topics, and it literally covers everything from politics to parenthood, to what you should do when your boyfriend Blah Blah Blah, like whatever this situation is, there’s a podcast episode on it, and so that has been since I finally gave in and started listening to it, just a really like good, laugh in sense of connection for me too, and of course like all of your social medias, because I cannot like imagine not having you in my life after this long because, like you were seriously one of my first friends at K, I know that first, like daddy experience with Emily Luder also she is a very inspirational person as well with her personal training, and all of that I was sure he as fit as her I’m so jealous. So the same, I’m literally like what are you doing? What should my work out be today? Yeah for sure I try and get motivation to her. I like have to Lick Mike Okay. I can work out yet it’s fine like right, O fie, but yeah. So of course, if you are not following Calli, I will tag her in the show notes, and I was well in Instar Post. So thank you so much again for doing this. I think you so so much for having me again. This is like my first thing that I’ve ever done. That has not been my own content produce, so this is like really exciting to be the one answering questions rather than asking them for once all right. Well, that is it for this week and I would love to have you tell a friend about this podcast and you can help me share these inspirational stories by rating and reviewing the class for new inspiration on apple podcast or your favorite podcast platform. If you have a question or an inspirational story, you’d like to share, you can send them my way, you can send me a message on Instar, a plus for new inspiration or ENA me at new inspiration, podcast at g Malcom, thanks again for listening and be sure to join me. Next time,

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Dr. Sizemore shares her passion for publishing with 160 titles and 100 children’s picture books. Explore her diverse titles from A to Z Press, such as soulful stories like “Joy Outside the Box” and children’s award-winning “The Little White Kitten and Her Little Red Mittens.”
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